bowel cancerbowel cancer awarenesscancer preventionDame Deborah JamesDeborah Jamesearly detectionGreater Manchesterhealth advicehealth advocacyhealth awareness campaignerinspirational storylife-saving impactLyndsey Ainscoughtelevision appearance
What role did Deborah James play in Lyndsey Ainscough's life?
Deborah James helped save Lyndsey Ainscough's life from deadly bowel cancer.
How did Lyndsey Ainscough decide to seek advice on her symptoms?
Lyndsey Ainscough decided to seek advice after seeing Deborah James on television shortly before she died.
What impact did Deborah James's campaigning have on Lyndsey Ainscough?
Deborah James's campaigning inspired Lyndsey Ainscough to seek advice on her symptoms, ultimately leading to a life-saving diagnosis.