climate change impact Europeemergency response Italy floodsEurope floods 2023European weather patterns 2023flood safety tips Europeflooding in Poland and Czech Republichumanitarian aid for flood victims EuropeItaly flood recovery effortsItaly storm alertsnatural disasters in Europeregional flood alerts Italysevere weather in Italystorm damage assessment Italystorm preparation Italyweather warnings Europe
What recent weather event has caused significant casualties in Europe?
Recent floods in Europe have resulted in the deaths of 21 people.
Which countries are currently experiencing severe flooding?
Poland and the Czech Republic are facing ongoing flooding issues.
How many regions in Italy have issued alerts due to the impending storm?
More than 50 regions in Italy have issued alerts in response to the storm.
What is the current situation regarding weather conditions in Italy?
Italy is preparing for a storm as flooding continues to impact various regions across Europe.