alumnico-educationalcommunity behaviorcontroversyEducationheadteacherNewington Collegeparentsschool communicationschool communityschool community controversyschool cultureschool leadershipschool valuesSydney educationSydney schooltop schoolvaluesvalues inconsistency
What is the controversy surrounding Newington College?
The controversy surrounds the school's plans to become co-educational.
Who sent the email expressing disappointment with certain members of the school community?
The headteacher of Newington College, Michael Parker, sent the email.
What behavior did Michael Parker criticize in the email?
He criticized behavior that he deemed inconsistent with the school's culture and values, specifically mentioning "deliberate negativity."
Did Michael Parker directly address opponents of the school's plans to admit girls in the email?
No, he did not directly refer to opponents of the controversial plans in the email.