anti-immigration stancefar-right agendafar-right candidatefar-right governmentfar-right ideologyfar-right influence.far-right leaderfar-right movementfar-right partyfar-right policiesFrench electionFrench far-rightFrench politicsFrench societyimmigrationimmigration controlimmigration policyNational Rallypolitical alternative
What is the National Rally leader's stance on immigration?
The National Rally leader is against immigration and is ready to fight against it.
What does the National Rally leader believe about his party's readiness to rule?
The National Rally leader believes that his party is ready to rule and is the only credible alternative.
When is the upcoming election in France?
The upcoming election in France is six days away.
What is the political ideology of the National Rally party?
The National Rally party is considered far-right in its political ideology.