accidentarmoured vehicleCatterick Garrisoncondolencesfailed soldierfamilyfatal incident.grieving familyinvestigationkilled in traininglossmilitary trainingMoDsafety protocolsSgt John McKelvietragedy
What was the cause of Sgt John McKelvie's death?
Sgt John McKelvie was killed when an armoured vehicle rolled down a hill at Catterick Garrison.
Was Sgt John McKelvie on active duty at the time of the incident?
Yes, Sgt John McKelvie was on a training exercise at Catterick Garrison when the incident occurred.
How has the family of Sgt John McKelvie responded to his death?
The family of Sgt John McKelvie has expressed their grief and stated that the Ministry of Defence failed their son.
What is the significance of this incident in terms of military training safety?
This incident highlights the importance of ensuring proper safety measures are in place during military training exercises to prevent such tragedies from occurring.