Australia weather forecastAustralian climateAustralian meteorologyAustralian winter forecastbelow average temperaturesBureau of Meteorologycold snap AustraliaColdest start to winter in decadesextreme cold weatherpolar air masssouth-eastern Australiaweather newsweather patternsweather predictionsweather updateswinter chillwinter conditionswinter temperatures
What regions in Australia have experienced the coldest start to winter in decades?
Many parts of Queensland, New South Wales, and Victoria have experienced temperatures below average for winter.
What is the weather forecast for the coming week in Australia?
A polar air mass is predicted to sweep through the entire country, keeping temperatures cooler.
Who provided information about the recent temperatures in south-eastern Australia?
Dean Narramore, a senior meteorologist at the Bureau of Meteorology, provided information about temperatures being 2C to 5C below average for winter.